Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A new blog era...

So...I decided to start a new blog. I used to have a xanga, technically I still do, but I felt like starting over and this felt a lot more, ahem, grown up? I never really know what to post on these things, mainly because I can't understand why anyone would want to read about my life. I enjoy reading other people's blogs, don't get me wrong, but my own?

Anyways, the main thing going on in my life right now is that I am looking for a job. I have had more people, random people even, ask me if I have a job in the past few months than ever before. I cannot for the life of me explain this phenomenon. I guess it is just an automatic repsonse to me saying that I graduated from college. "Oh, really? Do you have a job yet?" Never do I hear congratulations on actually finishing college in four years. No words of wisdom or funny anecdotes recounting their time after college, or high school, or whatever. Just that question. "Do you have a job?" My favorite part however, is their response when I say, "Nope, not yet. I am still looking."

At that moment, it is like a new person is standing in front of me. Any form of a smile diappears. A blank look of disgust and semi-horror takes over. For some of them, their faces begin to twitch, as if to show that they are trying to smile but simply can't. I can only imagine what is running through their minds. It's as if they are trying to think of the perfect motivational saying to scream at me. "LIKE THE CAT BARELY HOLDING ON TO THE BRANCH ON THAT POSTER SAYS: HANG IN THERE!!" Somebody shoot me please. I know you know what poster I'm talking about too. We've all seen it, and everyone wants to say something to that effect when finding out that I (and everyone else currently job searching) are still unemployed. ON behalf of everyone, Thanks. Thank you so very much.

I have half the mind to gather all my currently unemployed friends who recently graduated and start printing t-shirts with all the sayings we've heard. I can see it now: The t-shirts are always pink or light blue, I don’t know why, but they are. Maybe every once in a while we will print some off that are yellow, but we don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves now do we? They will probably have a butterfly or some other majestic, winged creature (by creature I mean insect or small bird, in rare cases an eagle. Go America!) on them. They will be worn by many and inspire few, but by gosh I will have a job. A smile on every face and a 5 dollar t-shirt covering every torso.

Until next time, hang in there.



annie are you okay said...

tuscaloosa is in desparate need of an airbrush joint, by the way...it could be set up like the little stands at the outlet malls at the beach...you could set up shop in midtown. i know it's supposed to be all fancy-shmancy like the Summit, but we all know that we live in tuscaloosa, so, whatev...set up your airbrush shop there (they put eagles and other insects on those kinds of shirts...i've seen many a lady bug) and you can also sell snow cones from the same location. holy cow, you'd be responsible for the business booom in tuscaloosa. and then you could run for office, now there's another job you could do well, and your slogan (well, one of them, because of course, you would also use Kyle: a pimp in every sense of the word) could be Kyle: Good for the economy.

annie are you okay said...

i know that thefacebook.com is most important, but really, kyle-the-writer, i expected more out of you. now, of course i hesistate to write anything, because then you'll know that i have checked to see whether there have been any updates. and, as i just see, this blog does not allow anonymous comments, so i will be found out, but, you see, it was you who attempted three calls to my phone yesterday, therefore, i think the confession of checkery (that is checking for updates on your blog) is acceptable, and won't be frowned too much upon. Now, congratulate me for the world's longest sentence, one which most people won't understand, but one, that you, bff, are sure to. some of us cannot check thefacebook.com at work and so we go to people's blogs to hopefully read an identical, or suto-identical, post, but no...no such thing. while i am proud of your accomplishments, all of them, in this matter, my dear, you are indeed a failure. so, get on it!

Gay Anne said...

Where is my tshirt?